Training "Integrative model with the use of sacred geometry and system of ranking"

All interested in developing their potential important and meaningful life resources can take part in this group.

You and Sacred Geometry

Plato's following statement is widely known: "Geometry can lead the soul to the truth." From the point of view of human logic, the word "truth" can sound heavy, but the point is that all knowledge about a person already exists inside us. The subconscious understands geometry as a specific language, because our DNA and cellular structure have the same geometric meanings. In other words, we ourselves are geometry! Sacred geometry resonates with our subconscious, bypassing filters of logical perception. Working with the codes of Sacred Geometry is a deep study of life issues that are actual for every person.

The method of systemic family ranking by Bert Hellinger

The method of ranking is very useful when one can not understand at the level of logical connections why this or that problem arises and why it can not be solved. The ranking very quickly helps to identify the hidden causes of problems and find the optimal solution. The fact is that, often, the causes of our problems are not in our lives, but in the lives of our ancestors - moms and dads, grandfathers and grandmothers. Times were hard, almost every family has ancestors who, one way or another, suffered. And many of the problems of modern people, are just the result of unconscious loyalty to the sufferings of the ancestors. Rankings allow us to discover the deep causes of the problems, to understand, work through and get rid of them.

When the causes of current failures are realized, a person changes at a deep level, and the whole world around him is also being rebuilt for the better. Thanks to the method, it is possible to solve the eternal problem of "fathers and children", to reconcile quarreling partners or spouses, get rid of addictions, fears, loneliness, uncertainty, complexes, to rearrange personal life, to get out of "deadlock" situations.

A Brief Theory of systemic family ranking by Bert Hellinger

At the heart of a large number of problems, failures, recurring negative scenarios of life, impotence, loneliness, lack of money and human diseases is the violation of one or more of the key laws of family systems: The law of belonging (bonds), the law of hierarchy (order) and the law of balance of giving-taking (exchange).

The law of belonging (bonds)

Children, parents, brothers and sisters of parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, relatives and all those who made a significant contribution to the existence of the family, suffered from someone from the family or vacated a place for one of its members (for example, a nurse who saved her grandfather on war or former partners of parents with whom they broke up), it does not matter whether they are living or dead, they have the same right to belong to the family.

Common types of violations: abortion, displacement of one of the spouses after the divorce, previous partners of the parents, repressions.

Possible consequences: descendants can repeat negative life scenarios of the repressed family member (lack of money, alcoholism, deterioration of health, inability to have children, etc.)

The law of hierarchy (order)

The movement of life is a movement from the past to the future. The one who came to the system earlier, the one who gave life is more important. Parents are more important than children. Ancestor is always more important than a descendant. The ancestor gave life to his children, and they can not return this debt to him. Descendants simply accept this gift and pass it on to their children.

Common types of violations: arrogance towards elders, symbolic marriage of a child with a parent, adoption of parents, interference into the privacy of parents as a confidant.

Possible consequences: problems with building long-term family relationships, failure in life, failure in business and career, impotence, apathy and depression, problems with health.

The law of balance (exchange)

The whole system tends to balance within itself. Energy exchange between people of equal status (spouses, partners, colleagues) should be balanced. Energy here is widely understood - it's time, money, care, love, help, and so on.

Violations: an unequal exchange, when one of the participants receives less than gives.

Possible consequences: the one who takes more have a sense of guilt and the desire to get out of the relationship, and the one who gives more - exhaustion, disease and depression.

What tasks can the integrative model solve using sacred geometry and systemic ranking:

  • Renewal of harmonious relationships in the family: with parents, children, relatives.
  • Renewal of the male or female flow (searching for the resources of masculinity and femininity)
  • Building a harmonious relationship with a loved one.
  • Resolution of repeated patterns of behavior and events.
  • Accepting the death of loved ones, the completion of relationships with the deceased.
  • Getting resources for healing and saving health (working with the symptoms of diseases).
  • Renewal of cash flow and allowing yourself to have a lot of money.
  • Finding the right solution (for example, choosing a place of study or work, etc.)
  • Overcoming complex mental states (depression, addictions, recurring from generation to generation, heavy destinies).
  • Overcoming the consequences of psychological trauma.
  • Integration of scattered parts of the personality.

In the group, you can work with your individual request or simply be a member (client) / deputy of the group and see how these methods work. The participant / client is an active role, allowing to receive many insights, discoveries, personal valuable experience.

How's it going?

The group of participants can include, as people wishing to solve their problem, and people wanting to get acquainted with the method. The master discusses with the client the request. If a client finds it difficult to formulate or select a query, we begin working with the mandala sacred geometry to determine and find the best goal solution for the moment. If it is necessary, the request is discussed with the client privately, one on one. Then the client selects deputies for the role of the main elements of the problem situation. Then the deputies, being in the field of ranking, move in space, tell their feelings. Based on the received information, the client gets an idea of the situation and processes occurring in his family or organizational system.

If it is necessary to save a complete confidentiality, the system ranking can be made by the master one on one with the client, without substitutes.

The task of the master is to identify violations (pathologies) in the family or organizational system and with the help of sacred geometry (energy), raking or procedural instruments, to find a way to improve the system (effective solution). As a result of the ranking, the client gets an idea of what kind of solution is best for the client and for the system as a whole.

The goal of combining techniques is not only helps to identify the deep cause of the problem and find the right solution, but to heal and start the process of change, get a resource for the client's movement towards his goals and heal the whole system!

We can conduct 3-4 client rankings.

The priority of the ranking is in the order of recording.

A preliminary record is required for your ranking.

Audio and video shooting is prohibited!


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