Healing with Mandalas of Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry in human life!

The universal language of sacred geometry is a super-high-speed highway to the evolution of human consciousness, and it helps to deeply understand yourself, to expand the vision of life and processes occurring in it.

Сакральная геометрия
Сакральная геометрия
Сакральная геометрия

Interaction with the holograms of Janos, the graphic artist from Holland, allows you to feel how to properly manage your life, to make the right choices and to get what everyone wants: love, abundance and prosperity!

  • Who are we?
  • What are we doing here?
  • What is the meaning of our existence?
  • How can we change (improve) our lives?

The answers to these questions are in us. And the energy of Janos' holograms helps to open up access to the enormous inner potential and answers hidden in every person. Special paintings by Janos - geometric holograms of sacred geometry - help to reveal and animate hidden, "sleeping" qualities in the subconscious of a human. Each hologram of Janos carries a special energy and has a definite effect on the subconscious, being at the same time a fine artwork.

Sacred geometry... What is this? Self-knowledge instrument? The gift of superconsciousness? The art of awakening? The path of evolution?

In fact, everything is simple - sacred geometry resonates in every person. And it does not matter what language you speak.

Сакральная геометрия
Сакральная геометрия
Сакральная геометрия

Geometry underlies in the basic principle of organizing our world and the universe as a whole. As proven by modern science, everything in the universe has its forms in accordance with the prescribed geometric proportions reflected in the sacred geometry. The simplest are the circle and sphere, the more complex are the five Platonic figures: the tetrahedron, the hexahedron (cube), the octahedron, the dodecahedron, and the icosahedron. Our brain recognizes forms and shapes of sacred geometry at a subconscious level. This inner knowledge is in every human being and is the universal ability of the human brain. People experience certain emotions while concentrating on these forms. Sacred geometry resonates with our subconscious, bypassing filters of logical perception. And this gives us the opportunity to realize our emotional reactions and behavior patterns, filling our thoughts and intentions with power and energy! At that moment a person is healed and comes in harmony with the energies of the Universe.

Сакральная геометрия

Working with codes of sacred geometry is a deep study of vital issues relevant to each person, oriented toward spiritual growth.

Codes represent a certain energy and carry information. The codes of sacred geometry can be called the keys to the hidden forces and the unique potential of a man.

Code is an instrument that helps to expand the level of our consciousness and get closer to our inner essence, healing and harmonizing, and as a result we get an understanding of our path in this life, health, luck and abundance!

Training program:

  • Theoretical part;
  • Working with healing codes of sacred geometry;
  • Individual mini-sessions with sacred geometry codes;
  • Meditation-activation with codes of sacred geometry.

I invite everyone! See you!

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