"General Cleaning", or Create a Space for Love, Happiness, Abundance"

"If the caterpillar held on to the past, it would never become a butterfly."

Everything on Earth and in the Cosmos has a dual nature. Our world is the one and dual, it is harmonious. A human should remember the eternal duality of the Universe, where two powerful forces - creation and destruction, day and night, energy - Yang and Yin, health and illness, life and death, etc., constantly confront.

Astrologers are firmly sure that the Moon affects the mind and psyche of a person, karma, mood and emotions. New beginnings should be started not on Monday, as we usually do, but on a new moon, and for this it is necessary to cleanse ourselves and our space in the last days of the decreasing moon!

The last days of the decreasing moon are perfect for this. All negativity, all "dirt" comes out, and it must be necessarily destroyed.

Life in harmony with the lunar cycle allows you to save a stable health, abundance, well-being, family happiness, love! This is the life guide, which must be inherited with the mother's milk, and it is lost and forgotten by us (Europeans) in the process of evolution.

In the program of the master class:

  • completion of any meaningful relationship with men or people where there were bright negative emotions, breaking ties in the chakras (practice);
  • complex analysis: gender structure, childhood traumas, negative attitudes, past life experiences, negative generic programs, meditation of cleansing negative programs related to the gender structure on the physical, energy, emotional, mental, intuitive, karmic, individual bodies;
  • cleansing of the generic lines (female and male), finding the resource of the genus;
  • cleaning of the house.

We will let go of everything that keeps you from your goals and desires! Dreams come true when your whole being is ready and wants it: your subconscious, your soul, your heart, your house! When you know how to create and do it - the world understands you perfectly and reciprocates!

I invite you! See you!

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